Heloooo People !!
Sorrry for a Little break but im Baaack now !!! This time would Like to tell you about my Amazing trip to that Special country of Zimbabwe. It will be in two parts as there is a Lot to tell .I was realy Looking forward for that trip and to photograph beauty and special people of that country…. I was Lucky enough to visit few different places in Zimbabwe and meet some amazing people there.
I had bought special lenses for my trip to capture some Amazing WildLife there . I realy Enjoyed spending time and capture that special moments of animals .
Soo Let Me take You for that amazing trip with me and show You that Beautiful spirit thru my photography….
One of the first places I visited was the City of Bulawayo which is second largest city of Zimbabwe. It realy fascinated me to discover the streets, feeling the atmosphere and meeting people from that place .The people were very friendly and i felt realy safe during my adventure. I have also met some amazing talented artists there…
One of them was Michael very talented sculptur…
Some Beautiful paintings …
I also visited Zimbabwe Vegetable Market where i found few interesting faces to photograph and also tried couple interesting vegetables 🙂
Here is few pictures from that place….
There was some interesting architecture shapes in the City…
Peace & Happiness, Blind artist Living on the street…and some kids
I was Lucky enough to capture some special moments…
One of my favourite portraits i took in Bulawayo while I was discover streets in the centre… a Real interesting character i have met passing by one of the street…
Overall Amazing adventure in the City and unique experience !!!
Now Look for part 2 now….Mooore to come !!!
Love Dominika XX